Watch the recording:

Top 3 Non-Negotiables that MUST be in your Postpartum Plan

A webinar introduction to "Postpartum Essentials" with Dr Oscar Serrallach and Prof Sarah Shealy


In this webinar, you will hear MotherCare Specialists Dr Oscar Serrallach and Prof Sarah Shealy sharing some vital information about preparing for the postpartum.

If you would like to learn more from Oscar and Sarah, and be guided in making your very own Postpartum Plan, you might consider enrolling in the Postpartum Planning Essentials course, starts Mon 25th March.

Four easy 1 hour lessons, with time for Q&A.  Plus you'll receive free and ongoing access into the MotherCare Project online community full of Mothers and Mothers-to-be, just like you. 


This is intended as health based information and not as medical advice or a substitute for medical treatment. If you have any medical conditions or concerns you need to consult your health practitioner first prior to trying any of the above suggestions.